Technical introduction to IBM MQ

This course provides a sound introduction to (and understanding of) IBM's MQ (formerly WebSphere MQ and before that, MQSeries) messaging system, at both a conceptual and terminological level, and is essential for all personnel who will be working in an IBM MQ environment. This course is appropriate for both the z/OS and multi-platform environments.

On successful completion of this course attendees will be able to:

  • understand the concepts of Queues, Queue Managers and MQ messages
  • describe IBM MQ program design considerations and the MQI
  • explain triggering, syncpoints and message grouping and segmentation
  • discuss Distributed Queuing enablement
  • understand and describe Clustering.


11 Nov1Eweb based 630 EUR (excl. VAT)
02 Dec1Eweb based 630 EUR (excl. VAT)
20 Jan1Eweb based 630 EUR (excl. VAT)
10 Feb1Eweb based 630 EUR (excl. VAT)

Intended for

All technical and management personnel requiring an introduction to IBM MQ.


A knowledge of one or more IT applications environments.

Main topics

  • Basic Messaging Concepts

Islands of information and IBM MQ; What's in a name?; Software layers; IBM MQ features; Wide platform coverage; The MQI - a common application programming interface; Time independent or asynchronous processing; Assured message delivery; Support of different application styles; MQ - some comparisons: Queues, Messages, MQPUT, MQGET; Queue managers and database managers; A significant difference between queues and database tables...; Messages and queues; Shared queues; The Queue Manager; Basic message structure; Asynchronous messaging; Synchronous messaging; Multiple requesters, one responder; Parallel messaging; Re-using MQ application processes as business objects; Meshed business objects; Remote messaging (distributed queuing); MQ clients.

  • Queue Managers, Queues and Messages

Queue types; Local queues; Alias queues; Model and dynamic queues; Remote queues; The Message Descriptor; Datagram message type; Request/Reply messages; Report messages - COA; Report messages - COD; Message priority; Message-id and correlation-id; Message retrieval by message or correlation id; Using Msgid and CorrelIid; Message persistence; Message persistence - logging; Circular logging in distributed MQ; Linear logging in distributed MQ; Message expiry; Message expiry usage; Message translation - encoding; Message translation - coded character set.

  • The MQI, Triggering and Syncpoints

The MQI layer; The MQI - language Interfaces; The MQI calls; Program preparation; Load Module structure; MQCONN; MQCONN sample call; MQOPEN; MQOPEN sample call; MQPUT; MQPUT sample call; MQGET; MQGET sample call; MQCLOSE; MQCLOSE sample call; MQPUT1; MQDISC; MQDISC sample call; Triggering - why?; Using triggering; Triggering overview; Trigger message contents; Syncpoint control; MQCMIT; MQGET under syncpoint control; Syncpoints and non-resource managed objects; Recovery co-ordination without a transaction manager; MQ recovery co-ordination of XA compliant resource manager(s); Recovery with a transaction manager; A distributed business transaction without MQ; A distributed business transaction with MQ; Message grouping and segmentation.

  • MQ Distributed Queuing - Overview

Distributed queuing components; Remote queues; Transmission queues; Message Channel Agents; MCA configuration; Channel types; Triggering channels; Dead letter queues; Client/server or MQI channels; Setting up a client/server channel; MQ clustering; Cluster resilience; Choosing the target instance of a cluster queue.

  • MQ Administration

Installing MQ; Administration mechanisms; Control commands; MQSC (MQ script) commands; Runmqsc: displaying Queue Manager properties; Runmqsc: displaying queue properties; MQ Explorer: looking at Queue Managers; MQ Explorer: looking at queues and channels; z/OS ISPF panels: looking at queues; Instrumentation events.

  • Introduction to IBM MQ Security

Channel Exits; Security Exits; Other channel exits; Secure Sockets Layer (SSL); Channel Authentication Records; Connection authentication; Access Control; Message Descriptor (MQMD) context information; Advanced Message Security.

  • IBM MQ Additional Features

MQ Publish/Subscribe; A classic example; Types of publications; State publications; Event publications; Adding business processes as subscribers; MQ Telemetry Transport (MQTT); MQ Managed File Transfer.

Training method



1 day.

Course leader

RSM Technology.