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z/OS UNIX System Services part 1 - concepts & facilities

This course describes and explains UNIX System Services from a technician's point of view. The principal UNIX concepts are introduced and explained, and followed by a thorough examination of USS at a conceptual level. The course goes on to describe the facilities available and explains how the MVS system environment has changed to support open system and UNIX concepts through z/OS USS.

On successful completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • understand and use the terminology associated with UNIX
  • describe basic UNIX concepts
  • issue UNIX shell commands
  • explain the changes that have been made to the MVS platform in order to support applications created for a UNIX environment
  • identify the facilities and functions provided within USS.


29 jan2Eweb based 1200 EUR (excl. BTW)

Intended for

All IT technicians working in a z/OS technical environment that will be encompassing the use of USS.


A basic understanding of mainframe data processing (see MVS and z/OS overview).

Main topics

  • Introduction to UNIX and open systems

Where did UNIX come from?; the three 'foundations': SVR4, BSD, OSF/1; commercial and 'hobby' UNIX systems; open systems standards; POSIX and Open Group branding.

  • UNIX system overview
  • UNIX internals overview

Processes and programs; the Shells; UNIX file system; user accounts & access control.

  • The Kernel and the Shell

Different shells: Bourne, Korn, C; starting the Shell; main Shell functions; Command Line interpretation; UNIX multitasking: foreground, background; Shell variable and shell programming.

  • The UNIX file system concept

Files, directories and permissions; listing, locating, copying and moving files; controlling I/O and using Pipes; browsing & searching text - pg, grep; sorting text files; formatting and printing.

  • Why z/OS UNIX?

The POSIX standards and z/OS UNIX; other standards.

  • USS packaging and features

UNIX support in MVS; packaging and co-requisite products; terminal and workstation support; special TSO/E commands; UNIX concepts in OMVS; fork(), spawn(), interprocess communications (IPC), memory mapped files, threads, daemons.

  • Interactive UNIX

TSO terminal support; direct login with rlogin and telnet; the Shell and shell commands; TSO commands and ISPF panels; OEDIT and OBROWSE.

Training method

Lecturing with labs.


2 days.

Course leader

Koen De Backer, RSM Technology.