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IMS concepts & facilities
This course introduces the concepts IMS/DB and IMS/TM and the terminology used in the IMS environment. It also explains what facilities are available and where best to use them.
On successful completion of this course you will be able to:
- describe the basic components of IMS DB and IMS TM (IMS/DC)
- understand and use basic IMS terminology
- describe the main facilities available in IMS and their use.
Momenteel zijn er voor deze cursus geen publieke sessies gepland. Graag organiseren we een bedrijfssessie voor u of een extra publieke sessie (bij voldoende belangstelling). Geïnteresseerd? Laat het ons weten.
Intended for
This course is designed for abyone who needs a high-level understanding of IMS.
A general understanding of database concepts and familiarity with the IBM mainframe computing environment.
Main topics
- IMS Components & Terminology
- DL/1 Programming Considerations
- IMS Transaction Manager (IMS/DC)
- Message Types
- Conversational Processing Concepts
- Description of Secondary Indexing
- Description of Logical Relationships
- Overview of IMS Access Methods
- Message Scheduling
Training method
Classroom instruction with demos.
1 day.
Course leader
RSM Technology.