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SMP/E for installation & maintenance

This four-day course is a complete introduction to the use of SMP/E for installing new software and applying changes to existing software (PTFs, APARs etc.) for the z/OS environment. All the important aspects of using SMP/E are covered, including a detailed explanation of what happens 'under the covers'.

On successful completion of this course, attendees will be able to:

  • explain what SMP/E is and how it works and describe the SMP/E installation process
  • install products & service (PTFs & APARs) in a z/OS environment (including related products such as CICS, Db2 etc.)
  • identify and correct common SMP/E installation problems
  • understand the major configuration and control options available in SMP/E
  • discuss the various product and service delivery options available from IBM (including ServerPac, CBPDO, ESO and RSU)
  • interpret the output produced during SMP/E processing
  • resolve maintenance conflicts using appropriate SMP/E reports
  • correctly handle missing prerequisite, requisite, and conditional requisite conditions
  • resolve error holds using both automatic and manual procedures
  • correctly install products and service in a cross-zone environment


24 jun4Eweb based 2395 EUR (excl. BTW)
16 sep4Eweb based 2395 EUR (excl. BTW)

Intended for

Individuals with JCL knowledge who are responsible for installing and maintaining software utilising SMP/E.

Systems Programmers responsible for using SMP/E to install products and service in the z/OS environment.


Attendees must be able to use TSO/ISPF (see ISPF/PDF basics), write JCL and run batch jobs (see JCL), as well as having a clear understanding of the z/OS environment (see MVS and z/OS overview).

Main topics

  • Introduction

SMP/E elements; how products are packaged; system modifications; the SMP/E database; sysmod: receiving, applying, accepting, restoring; System Generation; CSI; CSI configuration options; invoking SMP/E.

  • Receive processing

The Receive process; Modification Control Statements; MCS: header statement functions, software environment statement; the Global Zone definition entry; GZONE entry example; Global Zone options entry; options entry example; Global Zone utility entry; Utility entry example; SMP/E allocation; Global Zone DDDEF entry; DDDEF entry example; review of Global Zone entries; creating Global Zone entries – UCLIN; relative file packaged tapes; receive processing; Global Zone sysmod entry example; Exception sysmods; held sysmod entry example; Holddata example; the RECEIVE command; Sysmod entry with SOURCEID example; REPORT SOURCEID output examples; SMP/E dialogs primary option menu & query selection menus.

  • Apply processing

Product function & installation methods; Target Zone definition entry; TZONE entry example; Target Zone DDDEF entry; Target Zone DDDEF entry example; Target Zone DDDEF PATH entry; Target Zone DDDEF PATH entry example; MAC, SRC, and MOD element MCS; Data Element MCS; Program Element MCS; identifying the target system structure; how JCLIN processing works; JCLIN processing example; JCLIN report example; JCLIN: MAC and ASSEM entries, MOD and LMOD entries, DLIB entries; Invoking JCLIN; the save control dataset; determining target libraries; apply processing; concatenating macro libraries for assemblies; SYSLIB DDDEF example; the APPLY command; Target Zone SYSMOD entry example; element service level; Target Zone MAC and SRC element entries; Target Zone MOD and DATA element entries; base and dependent functions revisited; replacing an existing product; Sysmod installation via the SMP/E dialogs; SMP/E dialogs: sysmod management options.

  • Accept processing

Function installation methods; Distribution Zone definition entry; DZONE entry example; Distribution Zone DDDEF entries; Distribution Zone DDDEF entry example; Accept processing; concatenating macro libraries for assemblies; the ACCEPT command; Distribution Zone SYSMOD entry example; Distribution Zone MAC and SRC element entries; Distribution Zone MOD and DATA element entries; Sysmod installation via the SMP/E dialogs; SMP/E dialogs – sysmod management options.

  • Product maintenance

Product maintenance (service); product maintenance sysmods; product maintenance sysmod naming convention; product maintenance ++VER statement; updating MAC and SRC elements; updating MOD (and LMOD) elements; Sysmod relationships; the prerequisite relationship; the requisite relationship; the supersede relationship; the negative prerequisite relationship; TZONE sysmod entries; related APPLY command parameters; element service level; tracking the service level of an element; element entries; exception sysmods; resolving error holds; resolving system holds; the RELEASE MCS statement; maintenance exposure; the REPORT ERROR SYSMODS command; Sysmod regression; Sysmod construction rules; managing regression; restore processing; concatenating macro libraries for assemblies; the RESTORE command; Sysmod relationships and restore; Reject processing; the REJECT command; service delivery mechanisms used by IBM; the Recommended Service Upgrade.

  • Additional SMP/E features

The conditional requisite relationship; the REPORT CROSSZONE command; cross product 'borrowing'; cross zone 'borrowing'; callable services support; processing SYSLIB in JCLIN; CALLIBS in LMOD element entries; installing LMODs that use CALLIBS; the zone management commands; installing SYSGEN and SMP/E products; the GENERATE command; the CLEANUP command; descriptive MCS statements; product and feature entries.

  • Installing products and service

Reporting problems to the vendor; preparing for installation; installing maintenance; product delivery mechanisms used by IBM.

Training method

The course contains valuable and extensive hands-on exercises that demonstrate all the major aspects of using SMP/E to install products and apply maintenance.


4 days.

Course leader

RSM Technology.